In one month’s time the dill that re-seeded itself in the garden has grown a foot and a half or more. It’s almost waist-high!
That reminds me of the old saying we have for the fast growth of corn as in, “It’s knee-high by the fourth of July!”
Corn stalks will be shorter or taller than depending on the amount of rain received and of course the crop planting time. Knee-high is around 18 inches for someone 5’8″ tall, so that’s about a foot and a half tall corn stalk.
For an adult waist-high is in the range of 30 to 40 inches, so that’s about three feet tall. Take note of the yardstick in the photo below taken 1 July 2014.

Dill weed plants in our garden are 2-3 feet tall and they’re starting to flower. They’ll soon be growing their seeds, so it won’t be long that we can use them to make dill pickles.