So, I decided to go out and remove the snow that accumulated on the sheets in the garden. We got a couple of inches of snow Friday morning and then lots of blowing snow during the afternoon so Mother Nature told me to forget it. “Your bulbs will be ok“, she said.
I could only wonder if the shoots looked healthy underneath the sheets.
Then, a huge snowfall of 15 inches came the following Tuesday, so I was really wondering about how the plants would fare.
Finally, the snow had compacted to a few inches and hardened with some really cold nights was reduced to very little left with the heat of the sun. The sheets were removed today, the 23rd, but not until a week and a half after that really big snowfall – on the 14th of March.
The flower bulb shoots are bent over but I have a feeling they’ll straighten out some before they treat us with their beauty.
Garlics and chives seem very alive and green as well. I guess we’re good to go!
Elephant garlic sprouts were uncovered after the last coldest night which got down to the high teens.
Other garlic varieties that are sprouting are Duganskij and Chesnok Red.
Chives didn’t seem to be too bothered by the extremes in the weather in the last month.
So far, the chives are ready to be used/eaten. The garlics will have to wait a few months until we get well into summer.