We have these chives growing wild on the land. It seems a lot of front yards have them growing there, too.
I read where a woman loved the smell of chives being cut as she mowed her lawn. It reminds me of how we tame back the mints and throw the clippings in the yard before mowing it so the hot sweaty mowing person is treated to a refreshing blast of mint while they’re slaving away.
As far as the chives go for a lawn scent I think it would be good too.
Our chives seem to only grow in the ‘lowland’ of the mountain and not at the top. Now, we’re talking only a few hundred feet difference in elevation and I can’t swear that no chives grow up by the house.
But, the thing is there is a large patch of chives on the west side of the lane that seems to be thriving in a wooded area dominated by oak trees.
For some reason it always surprises me that chives would naturally grow in the forests of Pennsylvania. Who knew?
I guess that’s a common experience. I first knew chives as something green to sprinkle on potatoes, and then as a flavor that perfectly matched with sour cream. Well, what doesn’t? But those ‘Sour Cream and Chives‘ flavored snacks are so good!
Having that first knowledge, that chives taste good, is enough for most people. Me included until being confronted with a wayward plant, or so I thought it was wayward.
Chives, that cooking herb and food garnish that imparts a milder onion taste, had it escaped the garden?
One year we grew chives in the garden and it was a treat to see how large and beautifully decorative it was, especially with its purple round flower heads.
Come to think of it, I haven’t ever seen the wild chives flower. At least not yet…!
Back to the kitchen with the chives I pinched off a couple of plants and I’ll cut them up for some potato salad. The other night I boiled a kettle of potatoes and the ones we didn’t eat then were stored in the refrigerator.
Yukon golds from the pantry. From our garden no less!
The flesh is really firm and should be great for cutting or dicing.
Sliced them and quartered the small potatoes. Peeled skin.
Sauce is mayonnaise, herb vinegar, honey, black pepper.
Topped with fresh cut chives.
I must have been hungry after that walk or the chives made the potato salad just that good!
I neglected to take a photo to share, so that will have to wait until next time. Until then, check out your landscape for chives that you might enjoy!