Dill Reseeds Itself Like Crazy

Well, if you’re wondering whether dill re-seeds itself, wonder no more.

Last year we had plenty of dill plants in the garden. We used what we liked in salads, with potatoes, and making sauces and vinegars, and of course for dill pickles.

Here’s a couple of photos showing baby dill plants sprouting up from the seeds that dropped last year.

Baby dill plants in the garden
Baby dill plants in the garden

Sprout of a dill seed from last year's dill harvest.
Sprout of a dill seed from last year’s dill harvest.

Dilly sprouts
Dilly sprouts

Even though we used a lot of the seed heads for making dill pickles, enough seeds were scattered so that the dill plants reseeded to give us another crop this year. That makes 3-4 years growth from the original dill plants.

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